[Weekly Challenge] Entertainment

In Brigantia the people enjoy a rich culture of festivals, celebrations, pageants, story telling and Bardic competitions and theater.

First there are the four great fire festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh which consist of great bonfires, revelry, the burning of larger wicker man statues and vast quantities of alcohol as well as a kind of free for all for teen sex. Young people usually began pair bonding at least among the common folk. Couples also often go off into the woods for sex during this time and there are festive games, bardic competitions and processions through villages and farm land with chariots, bagpipes and drums. Samhain or the Summers End has its own flair, the great wicker man turnings happen here, as well as the ritual of the extinguishing of all flames in the country and relighting them via torch caries whom leave from a sacred grove in the west country. Vates with torches from this area ride horses and chariots to re-ignite the fires of the land, and contact with the spirit world is considered possible. Samhain is also followed by days of misrule, or inversions were children are made mayor for a day, women ride with nets to capture their men for sex ect. Beltane also has a wicker man burning but often is a holiday mostly for parties, alcohol and sex, unique to hit is the ride of naked young unmarried women through towns on horse back. Imbolc is a more festival of sacrifice, particularly burning of food and pouring of milk on sacred stones and prayer, mostly called the "Milk Festival" and Lugnasath is the essential harvest festival, this is traditionally a big feast day.

There also exists 4 Alban Days, which mark specific calendar years, such as Alban Udhar which is at the Winter Solstice. People buried hatches, remember the previous year and hail to "The once and future King," a reference to Udhar the ancient Brigantian King who is said to still effectively rule the country from the Fairy Realm.

Alban Eiler is at the vernal equinox and when crops are sown, this also begins a long and hard work day. Clan Chieftans are supposed to hold festivals, provide mead and hold public games at this time.

Alban Litha is on the longest day, usually a day of rest, and more often a few days of rest, picnics, civic games, and a ritual of clans and township having competitions with one another to steal an offered lamp.

Alban Edhad is at the Autumnal Equinox is important as a civic holiday since marks the closing of the Róchanuian and a slowdown in government activity for the coming winter. Marked by prayer, offerings, processions of costumed Vates. In cycles of 3 this holiday holds a feast either in honor of a deceased person in a locality, a new born or a newly married couple. This is also a feast held at Crown expense as this typically follows the first round of Tax collecting for the previous years taxes.

Beyond these communal affairs villages and towns will have regular gatherings for drinks, celebration, fun and parties dominate the lives of most people. Its a time for the town Bard to recount the news about and people to be informed of current events. Typically there are monthly games held and competitions in honor of the Tree of the Month as each month of the Calendar year has a tree specific to it.

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