'Weekly Collection Update' renamed to 'Heroic Deals'

Every Tuesday, we place a number of Heroes on sale, and swap a fresh set of cosmetics into the featured item rotation. Check out this week’s items and then head in-game to pick up anything that catches your eye.

Heroic Deals: Mar 20 – 26, 2018 Our next set of Heroic Deals will begin on Tuesday, March 20! Check out the list of upcoming featured items and Hero discounts below.

Upcoming Hero Sales * Gazlowe — Sale Price: 150 gems * Li Li — Sale Price: 150 Gems

The following skins and mounts will be added to the featured item rotation and will become purchasable with gems until this round of Heroic Deals comes to an end:

Upcoming Featured Skins * Adventurer Li Li * Demon Hanzo* * Bloodfang Valeera * Ochre Valla * Frozen Grave Warden Malthael * Star Princess Li-Ming * Silver Mad Martian Gazlowe * Timeless Prime Evil Diablo

*First-time featured item!

Upcoming Featured Mounts * Fellboar * Ancient Demonic Hellsteed

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread Link - eu.battle.net