Weekly COVID-19 (Coronavirus) OffMyChest Megathread (April 8, 2020)

I am better off due to covid19 and I don’t feel bad about it.

Due to covid-19 I was laid off my full time job. My full time job was a back breaking labour intensive job with shift schedules that had me working odd hours of the day for almost 11hours a day.

After being laid off I was put on full time pay roll from my part time job to sit at home and make more money than I would with overtime at my old job. (Doesn’t sounds too good to be true. More government funding opened up to employ me full time)

I have gone from living paycheck to paycheck to actually being able to feed myself and finally fix my car. I can pay off my debt and hopefully save some money, all while working from home.

I understand a lot of people are struggling to make ends meet during this time but finally being stable makes me not feel bad that I am in a better position now.

/r/offmychest Thread