Weekly discussion thread

Alright, been drinking, it's VD. I don't know the rules. Downvote me into oblivion if necessary, but this seems like the weekly stich and bitch, and I want to dive in. I was the queen of the long term relationship. Pants off is some serious trust.

Today was my last real relation's birthday. He had his problems. Some deep ones. Problems you don't show people until you know you have them locked in and stuck. He had trouble getting rid of my self identity, so he focused on getting rid of my stuff.

We both lived on the road full time for work, I owned the car and the housing. I left town for a few days to get some dental work. I leave him my car and gear (because we live in it) and due to our charm our contract expands to driving the company truck to the next gig and a company trailerm. While I'm gone he throws all my car top carriers and camping gear in a dump in Oklahoma. I come back to half my crap missing and him with a hard on about about driving someone else's broke ass truck.

I forgive it. I dunno why. We treck out to Texas. Previous to this, I contracted kidney MRSA after taking care of him in reverse quaritine for Ehrlichiosis (tick borne virus).

PSA- Wash your dick if you're in reverse quarantine. Ladies, don't let people with MRSA pressure you into sex. You'll pee blood. A lot of it. And your shitty boyfriend will get mad because you need to interrupt a movie outing to go pee blood. And sex will hurt and you may want to change positions, they might not be bis favorite. DOUBLE PSA: RUN

Getting to the point, we get to AZ around his birthday. He's feeling great. Been talking to all the people that miss him. Sooooo many opportunities. His girl with the problematic works is just in the way. Now he has a (borrowed, broken, I had to fix radiator with egg and sand) truck, a swanky trailer (not his), and a management job (seasonal). He's ready to party!!

My house and most of my belongings have been thrown in an illegal dump in Fuckall, OK. I find more and more is missing as I unpack his things.

Once we are all cozy, I've got dinner cooked and passed out, he tells me he was never dating me (it's been 3 years). I have until morning to get out of His house. Such a lovely night.

No time to waste, I pack my what have left, including his shade, the hot stove, pots pans, food, and go back to live out on the state land under tarp until I can pull myself together.

That was the last VD I spent with a significant other. On a cot in the open desert, trying to bury my dirty pants deep enough the coyotes wouldn't get too close.

Bring back the martyr saints, I'm not holy enough for this.

/r/2meirl4meirl Thread