Weekly Entering & Transitioning Thread | 10 Mar 2019 - 17 Mar 2019

I'm a 26-year-old veteran stats major. I'm currently a junior and have a small portfolio, but no internships or research experience and it's looking like I won't have one this summer either.

I'm debating stretching out my degree and staying another year to try and get an internship between my fourth and fifth year, is this a good idea? The cost of another year isn't an issue as I have my GI Bill. But I'm worried that companies will take a look at my resume and just see a 27 or 28-year-old with minimal experience and would rather hire someone younger with the same amount of experience.

Does anyone have any general advice on how to increase my odds for an interview? I've sent out over a hundred applications to internships but have never received a follow-up email, call, or invitation to interview. I've had multiple people and workshops look over my resume and give me a thumbs up. I've also had a number of referrals but I never hear anything back after giving the person my resume. When I contact recruiters for a follow-up I always get ghosted.

I'm kind of at my wits end here, I don't really know what I'm doing wrong.

/r/datascience Thread