Weekly FDS Chat, Check-In, Quick Questions Answered 3/7/2020

Same. here. Where the hell do they get the dumb confidence to think this is acceptable?

One guy in particular I broke up with/left twice, almost a decade ago because I couldn't have been more easy going and low maintenance and he was still mean af to me, judgmental, and treated me badly. I tried just being his friend and he still managed to say something to me that made me block and ghost him without a second thought. I hadn't spoke to him for 6 years.

Guess who comes around because he dumped his girlfriend of 6 years the day before he messaged me (which he neglected to inform me about on purpose)? He talked about their relationship and complained about her so much and basically, she was super easy going and low maintenance, and how did he treat her? Dangled the carrot stick of commitment and living together/not being arbitrarily long distance (his choice). Dumped her in the prime of her years--she's 33-knowing the entire time she wanted to have kids and a family. He made her pay half for every single thing, even though she had to work two jobs on top of earning her PhD in order to do so. She put up with all of this and he dumped her.

Then this bitch thinks he can just waltz into my life, mislead me on when they broke up, and think he can expect that I will let him bang me at a random hotel room? He acted surprised I wanted to know what he had planned--because I suddenly wasn't acting like a "cool girl". Like--in my entire experience of knowing him--and his recounting his relationship, all he has done is confirm that there is no incentive whatsoever to being nice, easy going, or low maintenance with this dude. All he has done is fucked over women who are kind and patient with him. I can't even wrap my mind around that level of warped confidence.

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