Weekly FDS Check-in

A quick question to you ladies, if you don’t mind helping me out with an answer that I feel, is floating somewhere close to my consciousness level, but not enough to be able to put it into words. I’m in late 30s- early 40s age range, agreed to a drink date (I know, I know, feel free to be brutal) with a guy in supposedly early (but I think probably late) 40s. A quick snoop online revealed he’s most likely loaded, a high ranking job in cyber security. He also sent me a link for a house he was supposedly looking to buy with lots of land, most likely worth a few million dollars. Not unusual where I live, but who knows. In almost the same breath(OLD text) he invites me to drinks, I give him the opportunity to set things right, saying I d be happy to, except that I don’t drink. He then gleefully suggests I can have a fizzy drink instead. Furthermore, he suggests we do it near my work in the city (I live in the country, an hour’s drive outside peak hours) after a long ass working day. I agree, but keep having a bad feeling and FDS warnings ring in my head. Anyway, he ignores my question about what kind of venue he has in mind and we just agree on time. Since I hear nothing from him all day and the feeling keeps getting worse (there was some virtue signalling also, he’s an IT guy and British, all of which I have multiple bad experiences with), I just head home. 5 mins after agreed time he texts apologising that he is running ten mins late. I text back: “oh, sorry, since I didn’t hear from you with anything concrete, I made other plans”, half expecting him to apologise and offer to come my way another time (as he had said he would previously, if I was too tired to meet). His response : “you said you worked at X area, I just drive for an hour, thanks”. I was tempted to ask what he thought we were going to do, but felt u warranted anger in his text and just unmatched instead. I am now left with an ambiguous feeling of guilt (he was going to meet after all and probably spent time getting ready etc.), but another part of me feels uneasy about all this ambiguity of the date. Like was he just going to meet me on a street corner? Was he expecting we go past a row of bars and pick one we both like? Your help would be much appreciated. I’ve been out of the dating scene for a good while, enjoying my freedom.

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread