Weekly House of A.R.M.Y (아미의 집) - November 25, 2020

From reading your story, I definitely think you should break up with him. No women deserves any boyfriend or husband that lacks empathy of any kind. : ( Empathy is an important thing to look for in a boyfriend because it determines that he cares about you 100% as a person and considers you in equal footing with him, how he treats other people he does not know or who he does know, and even how he treats animals because of having great empathetic feelings for all of these categories of things listed. Even if there is a slight lack of empathy being not present in your boyfriend for issues that you would consider to be healthy good things for the world, that is a red flag to watch out for every time.

That is just my advice though. Always listen to your gut in romantic situationss and don't be afraid to use search engines to look up issues like this you are going through with your boyfriend to see if you can gleen any knowlege from reputable websites that give advice on this issue you are going through with your current boyfriend. I believe you will make the right choice in the end for sure! I believe in you, ARMY! ^ _^

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