Weekly Marriage Criteria & Services Megathread!

For the past few weeks I've been greeting a Hijabi sister at my gym, we initially met at an MSA event last year and she recognized me at the gym a couple of weeks ago. I usually tend to mind my own business so I recognized her but wouldn't have spoken to her or even acknowledged her had she not came over.

So ever since then for two days a week when we see each other at the gym we just wave, smile and say our Salams, every now and then make small talk if we're close by. It would have been odd if I just started ignoring her again after the first time, I'm not much of a talker in the first place.

I don't really have any feelings towards her one way or another, not really attracted but not not attracted either. I mean she's pretty but I just see her as a Sister.

I recently realized I should be worried that I may be leading her on by being so friendly. For the sisters, what would you guys be thinking if you were her? Would you say there's no issue in our small relationship or would it be better to change things in order to avoid anyone catching feelings in the first place followed by potential heartbreak?

/r/MuslimMarriage Thread