[Weekly Megathread] Guild Recruitment - December 10, 2018

Guild name: Mirage

Current Level : 5

Leader Name: IGN : Reflect // Discord: dutt#8356

Server: NA EAST

Play style: Semi-Hardcore

Active time: Varies for members but generally (7pm - 4am EST)


Trophies: 350

Gear Score: 4,500

Active & Social on Discord & In-Game

Age: 16 +

Friendly, Engaging, & Inviting

Active participant in helping others learn & grow

Active in donating, guild quest & check-in's to the guild

Mission: To create a close knit, collaborative and engaging guild that strives to work together to complete content.

Classes Needed: Knight & Heavy Gunner! These classes will take priority in recruitment

Guild Member Cap: 45 (May increase)

Current members: 22/45

Feel free to join our discord & get to know the community or if you have any questions!

If you plan on joining the guild, please message one of the JRS or myself when entering the discord!

JRS: Claump™#6969 ,Beffert#0744 , braveshine#8839

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/GKuxMKS

/r/MapleStory2 Thread