Weekly Question Thread (30 JAN - 04 FEB)

Currently waiting on a med waiver, my med read has been submitted. But I have (at the recommendation of some friends currently in the Army) left out a non active medication for depression. The med read has basically all my records from the past 15 years, except anything pertaining to the 2 years I was on those meds. I've been off since July 2017. Assuming all gets cleared with my med read and I go to MEPs, am I fucked? Let's say I choose to go to MEPs without disclosing this. Can they pull my recorlds that were not provided and see that? Don't wanna bring this up to my recruiter unless I have to. I'm looking at 11b or 18x if that matters. Yes I know I should have disclosed it originally but being where I am at now just looking to see if it's something I should legit worry about.

/r/army Thread