Weekly Question Thread: Ask questions here September 14, 2020

Not a question, just wanted to share the most wild DND experience I’ve ever had which just happened. All thanks to the Deck of Many Things.

Our 3-person + 1 NPC squad were level 7 starting a castles with a major vampire as the BBEG. Going in, we were very unsure we had the strength to take this castle on.

As a part of the overall story, we had just finally acquired the Deck of Many things. However, last session the NPC ended up on death’s door, with one level of exhaustion left before death.

Desperate, we had the NPC draw from the deck.

He draws... and summons an avatar of death. Surprisingly, he ends up winning ever so barely (with a little bit of plot armor help), and then draws another card hoping to get “wish”.

He then drew a card that trapped his body in a catatonic state in front of us.

Fast forward, and the Druid (me) and the Tabaxi decide to draw.

Tabaxi draws 2 cards. First one is good, as he draws the Talon, giving us 50k in gold pieces.

Second draw.... the Void. His soul is sucked into an alternate dimension. Pretty much worst case scenario, and we know now we cannot even begin this castle.

Through shenanigans, the Druid draws three cards next. First card? Rogue. Sucks, but not immediately applicable. Second card? Medusa, where they are cursed and lose -2 to all saving throws until the curse is removed.

Third card, finally, the Sun! So the Druid levels up and gains a wonderous item (the Orb Of Storms, which I’m Excited about but not know too much about).

Flash forward, we decide to escape via Wildshaping into a Giant Eagle. We retreat and find an old Drau accomplice, who we convince to take us back to her town if we allow her to draw from the DoMT as well. Due to geography, we’re otherwise desperate and have no way off our island. We agreed.

We return to her house in a Drau city, and the NPC friend draws to cards, as agreed.

The Drau gets Sun as well as Knight, which give her a guardian NPC and level her up as well as give her a wonderous item. This was the only person to draw without any bad cards, too.

Finally in a safe place and rested, the lone Monk who has thus far resisted temptation to draw, is finally persuaded to try his luck by the silver-tongued chaotic DM

He draws one card.... the fucking Void. swoop. Soul gone, the Druid is all that remains.

We’re starting next session off with the Druid recruiting for new party members, Konosuba-esq style.

The Deck of Many Things is such chaotic awful fun. As the Druid, I leveled up (twice that round actually!) so I had a good time. Everyone else might’ve felt differently.

/r/dndnext Thread