Weekly Questions Thread - (Week Beginning February 18, 2019 UTC)

In the light of the recent intense money glitch, what are the game's history on ban? I keep hearing conflicting informations. It's a bit too late for me now anyway but I'm curious to know what others think.

Rockstar has done ban waves in the past. They also updated their ban policy in 2016 stating they can reset character progress, including removal of properties and money. They state that we can get a temporary infraction (assuming it's the first offense I guess) or aim for a permanent ban.

But there has been modders, glitchers and hacks in the game for years and many people still had their account untouched.

This glitch is so accessible and widespread that something will undoubtedly be done. But I'm really curious as of what. GTA:O is six years old and they don't have as much resources as they used to be... And I'm not sure they will aim for a ban wave as of now, though maybe I'm just having wishful thoughts.

What do you guys think?

/r/gtaglitches Thread