Weekly /r/Eve No Question is Stupid Thread - June 29, 2022

  1. Can you rank the following things in order of best to worst: A doctor, Screwdriver, 2006 Chevorlet Cobalt Sedan, High Fructose Corn Syrup, your neighbor John, and the sense of boredom. Ships are good at what they do, they aren't good at what they don't do. Without a specific task or objective there is no method of comparing ships

  2. Depends on a ton of variables none of which you speified. Start with what are you trying to do with what ship. "Should I paint the walls blue or purple?" we don't know.

  3. You can still hit small shit with medium drones if you use ships with drone tracking bonuses, or you plaster the mids with tracking mods, or both... I mean most drone boats have large enough space to have a spare flight of lights to deal with the frigs but with enough tracking it might not even be necessary, just a little bit slower killing them

And obviously mediums will have zero problems applying to large hulls, just that your damage would be a bit lower

  1. fits of what ships for doing what???
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