Weekly /r/Laravel No Stupid Questions Thread - March 25, 2019

TL;DR: Vue+Laravel component registration.

Does one need CSRF tokens or not?

Does Passport need to be used?

Why is routing so confusing?

<exceedingly long rant> I was going along pretty well with Laravel learning until vue. I do see the value in rendering things in Vue and displaying them in blade, or further in Vue. I want to get it!

However, I can't seem to get any web or api routes to find components, the examples i find are outdated, or for some reason don't work. Nothing makes a shred of sense. no amount of time spent pouring over various examples helps any other examples, or both from any of the Vue & friends documentation. Looking at the code doesn't seem to help just makes more frustration and endless downloading of various packages/other things. Some things belong to various versions of other things, and all are magically installed by NPM.

Maybe Laravel gave me a false belief that I was more capable than I really am Learning this. I've been at it for days on end seemingly becoming more lost than found. </exceedingly long rant>

/r/laravel Thread