Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - March 15, 2020

I have been wanting to write novels for years, but life somehow keeps getting in the way of really putting one of my many ideas together. More recently I've considered taking time off to focus on writing full time. I asked the question, "What will my writing be like?" I wanted to know how many eggs I should be putting into this basket, or if my time is better spent on a pragmatic occupation.

I used my first and favorite deck for this, the Linestrider Tarot. I've always felt it was very forthcoming with answers. I simply pulled 3 cards, with no specification on placement or order: 10 of cups first, page of swords second, Queen of swords third.

My interpretation is that I can find emotional fulfillment through a career in writing, and while I am still at am early stage (shown by the page), with time I have the ability to become a true wordsmith and professional writer and storyteller (queen of swords). If you have any other guidance, I would appreciate hearing it.

/r/tarot Thread