"Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread - November 07, 2021"

Im new to tarot and i found this spread online and decided to test it and asked what this person thinks of me, this was the spread:


2 4 3



What their general thoughts are when they hear your name or think of you (surface/automatic thoughts)

Detail card (meant to supplement #1)

Detail card

What they think of you at present

What they think of you subconsciously (they may or may not realise this)

Their hidden feelings (what they aren't telling you)

and these are the cards:

The Sun

The Fool 4) Death 3) The Emperor RX

The Magician

The Empress

What do you think? Im kinda confused i feel like the cards contradict each other but im also a beginner, what could this mean? Very thankful for any input

/r/tarot Thread