WEEKLY RECRUITING THREAD - Ask here about the recruiting process, trade availability, requirements to join, and other common questions about the Canadian Armed Forces.

I'm a university student with a strong interest in joining the CAF. A few questions:

1) I am considering going the ROTP route. Technically, I'll be entering my 3rd year, however due to a program change I will be set back a little bit and I will have to do summer school next summer. My program is prescribed to be 5 years in duration (it is an integrated double degree program), and I should be out in 3 or 3.5 years (I might have an extra semester, again due to the program change and limited course offerings at my uni).

-> High school: minimal extracurriculars, worked, 80-something% average

-> University: GPA in the B+ range, currently the VP of a student club (actively involved in the chapter since starting uni) and working

Is ROTP still a possibility for me? And if so, and assuming the process goes smoothly (pass the CFAT, physical test, etc.), would I be considered a competitive applicant?

2) I read a little bit about CEOTP. If ROTP isn't an option, would CEOTP possibly be one in my case?

3) If neither ROTP and CEOTP work out, how much more competitive is getting in through DEO (i.e. ideal GPA, extracurriculars, etc.)? From what I understand, there are typically more spots reserved for ROTP students for officer positions. I know this is also dependent on the trade.

4) And finally, for any engineers here, which officer positions give you experience that the PEO (I'm from Ontario) may deem acceptable for licensing as a PEng? The degrees I am going for are a BASc in Mechanical Engineering and a BSc in Computing Technology, which is an assortment of computer science and software and computer engineering courses. Ideally, I'd like to get into a trade that utilizes one or both of my degrees, such as AERE O, CELE O, EME O, etc.

I understand I won't be able to get the best answers for some of these questions, but any insight would be greatly appreciated!

/r/CanadianForces Thread