Weekly Self Thread - Tells us what's on your mind: introduce or promote yourself, vent or rant, celebrate achievements and talk about your romantic relationships.


During the past few months it started to became increasingly obvious to me that my self image is kind of messed up, and I really don't like it. Thing is, up until a few years ago I didn't think I am unattractive. Apart from having strabismus (no lazy eye) but no money to fix it, I kind of have the face I wanted to have as a teen. I didn't think I am too attractive either, but I was content. I found my own style and got some nicer clothes now that I am 20 and it's unlikely I get any taller.

Then life. I went to an all boys high school and trained martial arts in my free time, so I thought only having one relationship during High School wasn't that bad. But since finishing there I got rejected and rejected again and told that I am ugly. I also tried Tinder with the same results, during the year since I use it I've barely managed to get on three dates and got about a dozen proper conversations in total. Most of them simply unmatched me after I asked them out, some even after agreeing to a date.

So really, right now I don't know how to feel. I still have the same looks, with some flaws which cannot be fixed yet, but what I overall thought was okay. At the same time I also hate my looks, because I have the reality of no woman wanting to touch me with a ten feet pole. And I really don't know how to put the two together and accept reality without turning to resent myself.

I dunno, I just wanted to say it out, sorry for the lack of happiness and sunshine. Any advice, maybe?

/r/CasualConversation Thread