Weekly Simple Success Stories (+Neville FAQ)

I’ve been into manifesting money for myself since the start of 2021. I’ve just gotta say — manifesting is real and it’s easy.

I used to be more aggressive with my thoughts and affirmations weeks ago and I’ve sort of let it go. I was obsessive before (wasn’t fun) then I guess I just somehow focused on my normal day to day life and “forgot” about intentionally manifesting. Now I’m seeing things come to fruition for me. Here are some things that have happened: $4 increase in pay per hour, a random bonus from work related to working from home due to covid, regular overtime hours, money returned to me from a college, thousands in cryptocurrency that I’ve cashed out. The crypto one is interesting: I specifically stated to myself that I’m not selling any crypto until it hit a certain point and guess what!! That price point came yesterday. There was zero doubt in me that I would see that specific number in my account.

I believe myself to be a money magnet. I know everything falls into place for me. I don’t do much in visualizations. But I do talk to myself and hype myself up a lot. I deserve all the great things in life and of course I get everything I want.

This change in attitude only took three months. I was a work in progress but now I recognize my power and know that my life is incredible because I make it so.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread