シツモンデー: Weekly thread for the simple questions and posts that do not need their own thread (from August 17, 2020 to August 23, 2020)

I'm not confident in some parts but try to answer.

Your interpretation seems correct in terms of meaning.

But it's difficult to answer your grammar question. I thought it is 形容動詞, but Wikipedia says there are multiple perspectives about classification of such words.

However, I think x割増しだ can be considered a kind of 静かだ, 簡単だ, 異常だ, 永遠だ, etc.. You can say "セミの声のせいで、暑苦しさが5割増しだ", just like "暑苦しさが異常だ". (You can't say "暑苦しさが何割増しだ", though. I can't explain the reason in a logical way. Someone please help!)

So, perhaps it might be impossible to complete grammatical analysis here. My opinion is you are ok because you've got the meaning of it.

/r/LearnJapanese Thread Parent