[Weekly Thread] Victory Friday (Fri, Oct 19)

Realized that in a week of tanking for DF I actually had a lot of really nice groups.

Among the standouts:

- A 6.3k (!!!) DPS nin in my Burn run who hit the Mist Dragon so hard it forgot to do frost breath. Said not a word, just swooped in, stabbed faces and left like the goddamned Batman.

- A team of 3 sprouts all doing Sohm Al for the first time who one-shotted everything (close call at the end when lagging WHM died to chaos blasts).

- Really patient group on my Hell's Lid run who put up with me even though I played like utter shite due to shivering hard. I forgot the whole dungeon since I only did it once on the way to Byakko and had to relearn everything.

- Awesome SCH on Skalla who healed me through all the wall to wall pulls while outdamaging my PLD. What's her secret, I want to know!

Also got my weekly crystalloid without a wipe. There were one or two shitters but overall the good people far outweighed the bad.

/r/ffxiv Thread