[WEEKLY THREAD] Whiny Wednesday - Tell us what really grinds your gears!

Yeah someone brought a munchkin to my gym once. It was distracting, because he ran around (fast!) in unpredictable zigzags, and I didn't want to accidentally knock him with anything. It was just the one time. It was a little annoying after a ehile, but I figured the parent must have had no other option, so, eh. I mostly worried that it was dangerous for the kid...

Ii worked out at my brother's apt building gym once, seemed like people were very polite / apologetic about most things (taking up time on a piece of equipment eg). Maybe because they know there's no getting away from neighbours later on? Or maybe it was the building...

I think if it happens again, you should feel ok about just asking the guy politely if he wouldn't mind turning the TV down, because it's distracting. Odds are he ll be ok. (although you never know, it's true, some people are just kind of benignly thoughtless, others are real jerks.... if he shows signs of being decent but thoughtless , eg acknowledges you, wipes equipment, etc, maybe go ahead and say something about the tv)

Idk about commenting on the kid, though. Obviously he thinks it's ok for her to be doing whatever. Did you try to use a piece of equipment she was around? If so, how did he respond?

(On the one hand, that would annoy me; on the other, I guess I d rather know the kid was looked after vs left alone in an apt.)

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