[WEEKLY THREAD] WTF Wednesday - Tell us what really grinds your gears!

(this is more of a covid rant but it's semi related to the gym)

so my region is getting worse and worse for covid and its looking very likely that they'll be implementing a lockdown within the next week or two that would almost definitely involve travel restrictions. they also announced a strong recommendation last week to stop going to the gym (among other places) and gyms have been limited to <10 people at a time. I stopped going to the gym last Thursday and now I'm just going for walks and doing yoga at home

one of my friends moved to a different city and she has a boat in my city (which has highest cases in the country) that needs to be put into the water in about a month or it'll get damaged. we were talking about the new restrictions in the group chat and she asked if anyone in my city could check on her boat and we all said no because of the restrictions. so then she said "well I'll just go there myself, they can try to fine me if they want"!! a couple of us called her out on this and said to just follow the restrictions and hire someone at the docks to check the boat, but she argued that she wouldn't spread anything and it would be fine. I ended up saying "It's a group effort to stop the spread, the only way to be safe is to stay home" and she replied saying "you went to gyms didn't you? I literally did none of that" with a laughing emoji. I'm so beyond pissed, there is a huge difference between going to the gym (which was literally the only place I've been except the supermarket and post office for months) while there are no recommendations against it, and breaking travel restrictions to travel between cities while cases are spiking. it's complete bullshit, this happened like an hour ago and I'm still fuming.

/r/xxfitness Thread