This week's update patch is A

The outnumbered pip incentive was incentivising bad gameplay - its a good thing it’s gone.

Listen, I 100% understand that if you are WvW player, you don't want to see afk players in empty maps, just for the ON effect. It doesn't help your team win anything. Understantable.

But, I, myself, despise WvW and only play raids. Why do I get 1 ring and you get 2 rings?

I want to spend the least amount of time/effort in WvW in order to get my second Legendary Ring.

Thankfully I completed it about 2 months ago.

Now, players that only play raids will have an even harder time getting a second legendary ring.

The compromise would be for us to get a second legendary ring from PvE but I don't see that happening.

The only thing that happened now, is that raiders are even more fcked now.

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