WEF: ‘Global Elite’ Will Escape Mass-Extinction Event Courtesy Of ‘Technological Noah’s Ark’

I love how people with zero capacity for basic empathy and no actual self awareness or ability to examine their own behavior critically are the ones talking about how "common people" are obsolete. Mate if that's how you see your fellows there's something sincerly wrong with you.

"If you're not actively contributing to our designs you're useless to our species." Fuckin inhuman. How open they are with their utter disdain for regular people is just mind boggling. Watching them dehumanize everyone to justify their viewpoints is painful to watch.

Maybe some calamity is coming, maybe it isnt. I just pray some soulless megalomaniac isn't looking to push the button.

/r/FightingFakeNews Thread Link - anonymouswire.com