Weird and confusing case, feel a bit lost on what to do.

Please go see a doctor. I'm a 37 year old woman who has had monogamous unprotected anal sex, and the HPV I contracted in college (while having protected anal sex) and was treated for on the outside my perianally, continued to live inside my rectum for the past 17 years. I wish the DNA testing for warts had been around and available back then. The colorectal surgeon said the only reason it wasn't cancer was because I was HIV negative. And I would have been dead before my first mandatory colonoscopy at 50, had I not been having other stomach issues and needed one anyway. My surgeon told me "Farrah Faucet died from embarrassment because she waited to be treated and it was too late. You don't have to."

It's worth it to get checked.

/r/HPV Thread