Weird link between cats, consent and toxic masculinity

My cat is more affectionate than my dog. We have a sweet golden retriever that just hates cuddles. She loves playing, adventures, and guarding us, but cuddles are awful to her.

Meanwhile, my cat has serious attachment issues and if she ever gets locked out of a room that I am in she needs serious consolation snuggles to make up for the lost time.

And then we have a second cat who has some serious motor issues and she doesn't really snuggle, but she is entertaining AF to watch her try to navigate life.

I feel like I get all three levels of affection from these three animals, play, snuggles, and entertainment.

But really what it is is that I appreciate them for what they bring to the table and I don't ask them to be what I imagine a cat or dog should be. They just get to be themselves.

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