Is it weird not wanting to meet my bfs friends/family?

"still a little uncomfortable with being with a guy"

Well, this is something you'll need to address, and fast.

Forget about having a BF or meeting family or whatever. Living with ANY discomfort in who you are is hell. You know what I'm talking about, I've been there for years. Few things mess with your head more than pretending to be something you're not or living in denial.

I'm not saying you have to come out to others. You just need to reach a point where A - you come out to yourself, and B - coming out to others isn't even a big deal to you, because that's just who you are, screw anyone who has a problem with that.

And he's not asking you to meet his friends and family just to throw you in the spotlight. Meeting each other's loved ones is a major step to any relationship. One that deepens your bond together and allows you to be even more comfortable with each other.

I can totally understand your hesitance though. Meeting any strangers is rough. Meet The Parents isn't a comedy, it's a documentary :o

It's fine to tell your BF you're not ready to do that just yet. But you definitely need to work on being comfortable with yourself, and understand that this means a lot to him. He WANTS to be able to invite you to family functions, to have you by his side, to have a partner for board game night, to show you off to that asshole cousin who said he'd amount to nothing.

Talk it out.

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