Weird rant: people suddenly show romantic interest and it makes me uncomfortable

Evolutionary biology is strong with you. You say you are a lesbian, interesting. What you're saying here isn't meaningless. It's full of your pathology, your way of thinking.

It quite disgusting if you think about it, how people act to you based on your looks.

It isn't disgusting. Humans want to find mates, and you are probably a prime candidate to many men looking for a partner. Nevertheless, most men aren't going to clubs to find someone to marry. They are there to find someone to have sex with, and that person was you. If you are flattered and still may want to find a partner someday, I do not suggest going to clubs. If you already have a partner, try finding a more conservative social gathering.

Nothing you've said is meaningless. All you've shown here is your naivety. Yes, being fitter is highly attractive to men.

Continue learning, and don't be afraid.

/r/loseit Thread