Weird side effect on 2-FMA

ive been taking high dosages daily for ages (very irresponsible, ik), but i have to until end of this month, thats when my exams r finally over, anyway not really what its about. due to the 2fma i got realy bad tmj (temporomandibulair joint issues, jaw issues basically cus of clenching) nd cus of that my ears are perma clocked. deffo have it checked out incase you got issues with it too, ive been struggling with it for months, finally starting to get fixed due to using a night brace. goodluck, be responsible and make sure to do enough cardio/eat healthy if you go high doses! also, breathing exercices (boxed breathing) is really good incase you suffer from any panic attacks/heart issues /high heart bpm due to the 2fma (or other amphets). dno why i wrote this much extra, prob cus im on it atm and dont want others 2 suffer from same stupid mistakes ive been making, but goodluck!!

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