Weird thought: is the grass really greener on the other side?

The hustle never ends. I just finished the next two steps you are worried about (getting a good internship and 2nd year) but yeah, now I'm worried about converting the internship to a full time offer and bringing up my grades for graduate school. The hustle never ends which is why you gotta make sure to revisit your principles and morals every now and then and have a overall goal to aspire to. Like revolutionize some industry, help man kind. Then you gotta keep asking yourself, "Will making it into POSt make ne step closer to achieving that goal?" , "Will working for Google make me closer to that untimate destination"... if the answer is yes then work towards that small goal but always keeping that ultimate destination in mind whatever it is (travelling the world, getting rich, being happy etc)

/r/UofT Thread