I have a weird version of the "who to main" question.

I figured Izanami fit them more, considering she actually has everything, then Hazama (kinda ass zoning), Nine (kinda ass speed), Kokonoe (kinda ass hit confirms unless you start throwing gravitons), and Hakumen (kinda ass pressure/mobility) in that order. I also left out the part where I could care less about defensive tools, which is probably weird coming from someone who's played a shitload of Hakumen. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure I have a thing for boss characters, considering who's on this list and I mained Nu in CT.

I wouldn't really call Hakumen's neutral weird. I mean, you pretty much sit there and space them out with god normals till you decide you want them to die. It just functions....less well in this game because his pressure feels a lot worse and you have to drop a lot more magatama to actually get in, and I don't think CF2 changes that. His mobility isn't that bad either if you're willing to spend the magatama on chain dash Kishuu. With Hazama, that deadspot has always been annoying, but CF2 helps with it a bit since I think air chains full hit at that range now.

I'm probably better off just waiting till CF2 to pick a character tbh. My subconscious tier whoring might kick in and I'll just go back to Hazama. That, and I need an excuse to mess around with Relius lol

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