The weirdest format you've done that audiences actually liked watching?

We do a format based on dream logic “DreamToast,” the main rule is that no one leaves the stage so if you aren’t “in the scene” you are in the background. We start by leading the audience into a little deep breathing, we encourage them to close their eyes kinda like a mini guided meditation. We get our get by asking the audience to imaging mist filling the room then ask what they see as the mist clears. Then we say the dream starts when they open their eyes. We do a shared dreamalogue ( monologue but with dream logic so it gets surreal.) We wind up having split screen scenes and weird transissions rather than edits. It’s usually fairly physical and surreal. We end with a dreamalogue again but this time in the perspective of the audience. It really challenges my brain but it’s my favourite troupe to play in.

/r/improv Thread