The weirdest phone call ever

Okay, I found this through /r/NightmareExpo because I'm a sucker for creepy shit and unexplained things and I never in a million years expected one of my own experiences to be on there. This is so goddamn strange. We came to the conclusion that it was just a mix in the signal or whatever and people were fucking with us, but consider me officially SPOOKED right now.

This was about 2005, on a cellphone. I remember specifically this was the year those "chocolate" Verizon phones came out because my girlfriend had just gotten a pink one and blasted it with Hello Kitty stickers and I would roast her for it daily.

We were an hour away from each other, so, we spent a lot of time on the phone. One night were both had our TV's on To Catch a Predator and a womans voice randomly comes in.

"'matike' stop" No static, no nothing, just clear as day as if it was a three-way call.

And she went dead silent, thinking I was with someone. I'm obviously in crisis control (we were young) until a man said her full name and asked her if she liked astronomy, or it sounded like a man. It was almost digital, like there was a grain to it and it was totally convoluted. The woman had a very thick mexican accent, but the man was complete monotone, like too good to be software, but very very very flat.

She's convinced I'm fucking with her until it becomes a rapid fire of really odd questions. "Have you ever seen stars?" "Did you know that the stars are cosmic energy" "There's stars in the woods" "Woods are a good place to look at stars". It went on for a good 10-15 seconds, both voices, back and forth. I'm unable to really transcribe HOW they were said and worded. Take "woods are a good place to look at stars", it was almost sing-song, and I guess 'out of key' (?) for normal human vocal range. Like the Trip-Hop version of speaking or something lol. I'm really struggling to find the words here (it's early), but one or two people here will know what I mean. But it was rapid.

After a moment of silence both of us are just like "what the fuck?" and are cut off by that exact same multi voice screaming. I distinctly remember "the man" starting it by a split second, just a grainy "uhhh". It wasn't like The Grudge, no, it was more like a statement. Just "Uh..hh" and then screaming all at once until she hung up.

This was a story that our families knew about, our friends, and we talked about a lot between us. That's what we were always told, one of us was screwing with the other, or "the airwaves" got scrambled and people were messing with us. I have no idea.

We are not on good terms, life happened and it's been 15 years (wow, I'm getting old) otherwise I'd ask her if she ever found out what the everloving fuck that was. This is weird, but yeah. Same.

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