Welcome to America! Where 40% of all food ends up in the landfill for the sake of profits

Can I ask you if it makes you angry?

Angry being the emotion past mad, angry being the emotion that releases enough Adrenalin that gets the heart rate elevated and motivates people to change?

I was thinking, that if i donated 10% of my pay check to my local food shelf they could buy all this waste food and give it away to the hungry! that way the for profit companies could earn profits from the waste food, and the hungry could eat! i could effectivly kill two birds with one stone. But i am not really angry enough about a little watsed food to do it. So I am wondering if you could Pump me up a little. talk to me about how I should be more than just so mad, i should be angry!

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it