Welcome to Icehollow Station, the hidden rebel outpost of the Ald-Eres system.

This WIP started out when I found my dream rebel snow speeder of a ship (the one in the video). Seemed only fitting to build a hidden station on a glacial planet, and I was specifically looking for a place where I could suspend most of the base from the cave ceiling over water.

I'm normally not one for big sprawling bases, but I decided if I could make every area functional in some way, I could justify it. The left, wall section has the appearance customizer, the storage vaults, and the kitchen. The underwater section is the farm, which I'm attempting to expand to be a fully functional stasis device farm. And the main suspended section has the market terminal, the refiners, and behind it, the exocraft bay.

Still expanding and decorating, but feel free to come check it out! Coords show up in the video at one point.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Link - v.redd.it