Welcome, to the new JonTronCirclejerk.

THE BROBLE 1) Consume Mormons, there shall be no consequence. 2) Never go without the traditional greek dish, "Gyros". 3) It is recommended to place a "Meta" tag on such discussions as might arise in the subreddit. 4) Leigh Avidan shall always be identified as a man of homosexual orientation. 5) Though it might be against your morals to do so, attempt to act agressively when confronted by the Hanson's wife. 6) When asked for the correct pronounciation, the answer should in most cases be /ˈjɪəroʊ/. 7) All due respect and praise shall be given to thin slices of meat, stacked on a sharpened spear of wood and seasoned with a variety of herbs and grated vegetables, loosely placed within thick flatbread with a variety of seasonings, sauces, and salads. 8) Mythological greenskinned beings shall be rebuked. 9) Leigh Daniel Avidan is not of heterosexual orientation. 10) Human corpses degraded to the point of consisting only of such bits as are composed of impure calcium shall be attacked in the pelvic region with the fist. 11) Is dae, in fact, pensi? 12) Leigh Daniel Avidan, known on the internet as "Danny You Sexbang", is very likely not a heterosexual individual. 13) Art of Jonathan Jafari depicting lewd or suggestive settings (In accordance with rule 34 of the mutually agreed Laws of the Internet) shall not be tolerated. 14) However, artwork of any spit-roasted bread-and-meat themed foods in similar situations in accordance with the 34th (And/Or 63rd) rule of the mutually agreed Laws of the Internet is not only allowed, but encouraged as we feel it adds a great deal of value to our society as a whole. 15) Everything shall, at one point, have met with your knuckles in a violent situation. 16) The lord TanookiSuit3 has, at one point, visited this domain. 17) The lord TanookiSuit3 is the sole reason (see above) why Sir Jonathan Jafari has ceased to publish new online video content. 18) Which silly individual is still exposing his (or her) own eyes to this holy script? 19) Pay no attention to rule 6, as it is in reality pronounced /ˈdʒaɪroʊ/ 20) Pay no attention to rule 6, as it is in reality pronounced /ˈjɪəroʊ/ 21) Pay no attention to anything, as it is in reality pronounced /əˈnuːbəs/ 22) Though shalt never cease to exist solely as the swoodest of all known grommets. 23) Praise shall be given to our president, his lordship Clitoris. 24) The barbaric lands outside of this cozy subreddit are known to us all as /r/JonTron, and only the bravest among our ranks should dare to venture into such an antidisestablishmentarianistic place.

~Compiled by yours truly, Sir TheCrowbarSnapsInTwo

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