Welcome Newcomers! Start Here: Beginner's Megathread

30 - M - 5'10''

Starting: 220lbs - Goal: 175lbs

I've been lurking on this sub for a while now and I've read some great stories and seen some great results, so I thought I'd give it a go too. To give you a little background, I'm autistic and all my life, I've struggled with various eating disorders. As a kid, I was always underweight, to the point where my teachers worried that I was malnourished. I couldn't eat more than a small meal per day, but as I got older, something changed. I steadily gained weight in my 20s as I had more freedom and the ability to get whatever food I wanted whenever, and because of medication I was on from 20 - 23 or so.

I was basically on OMAD when I was growing up but I've always wondered if there's a healthier way of doing it than the way I did. It looks like I'm in the right place. Feel free to send a message if you're down for being accountabilibuddyable or something like that.

/r/intermittentfasting Thread