Welcoming Newcomers & Free Talk Thread - April 04, 2016

Hey everybody!

I'm new around these parts, long time lurker first time poster. I've struggled with anxiety and depression for quite some time now, it wasn't until college ~7 years ago that I was able come to terms with it, put a label on it, and start to manage it. My coping mechanisms include talking through it and occasionally I will go see a therapist if the symptoms get to be too much. My anxiety is triggered a lot by insecurity, loneliness, and feelings of loss of control.

Due to relationship/work/life struggles I also have lately been a bit of a boredom/problem drinker - for the last, well, probably several years I've had 1-4 glasses of wine per weeknight followed by chaos on the weekends, and I decided last Sunday that I had finally had enough. I had a 'lightbulb' moment where I thought "man, this is super pathetic and probably not good for my health" so for the last two weeks I haven't had any drinks during the week - weekends not included, at least not yet anyway, because beer is amazing - and I can say I feel infinitely less anxious and shitty during the day than I have the last couple years. It's incredible. I've rediscovered old activities I used to enjoy before this daily drinking nonsense, have tons more energy, and I feel no urge to drink. It's like, wow! This is how normal 27 year olds must feel! The anxiety voices are still there, but I'm able to keep distance from them and not let them take over like they would when I was feeling lousy all the time.

I'm not sure why I'm posting this journal-y post, but it feels like an epiphany of sorts for my well-being. My counselor told me a few weeks ago to try to fill my life more with people and things that bring me joy, and it sounds so painfully obvious, but it was precisely what I needed to hear. Being an adult isn't so bad!

....oh! And, to decompress by immersing myself in a music project (production, recording, listening, seeing a live show), long distance running, and cleaning (oddly enough).

/r/Anxiety Thread