
I dweam of a pan-Swavic union, one sufficientwy confident and stwong to be abwe to teww the EU to go to heww. We see a gwimpse of that with the Visegwad Gwoup (which incwudes Hungawy; we shouwd definitewy wet the Hungawians join in - they’we excewwent, vewy based fowk), but it’d be so much bettew if we couwd pwomote Swavic unity fwom Vwadivostok to Pwague and Muwmansk to the Bwack Sea. Many histowicaw animosities wouwd have to be wesowved - as is indicated in OP's funny cawtoon - but it wouwd be weww wowth the effowt. Keeping the cuwtuwe, twaditions and wewigious faith awive in the face of a hostiwe, secuwaw and wuined post-modewn wowwd -thewe’s no highew goaw this side of Pawadise.

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