Well that backfired

Holy shit you're pathetic. I dislike Trump for being an egoistic, incompetent idiot but this circlejerk of "le Trump is literally Hitler!!!!" is insane.

I’m sorry to the 160,000+ people dead and counting I let down.

Apparently if Hillary was elected, the coronavirus wouldn't exist or every person in America would listen to her every word and wear masks/don't go out.

I’m sorry to all the locked up children in cages crying for their parents.

Parents try crossing the border ILEGALLY, they get detained by border control and held there for a day or two before they're handed back to Mexico. How can we arrest people for commiting a crime?! Wow, so evil evil Trump!!!!

Let me remind you that this exact thing was happening under Obama/Biden and would have kept happening under Hillary.

I’m sorry to the families just recently evicted at no fault of their own and starving, not knowing their future for them or their children.

Economic crises tend to do that. Trump is at least giving people a financial stimulus and is pushing hard for another stimulus to give people so that the exact thing you're describing doesn't happen.

Im sorry to the refugees not being granted passage during these tyrannical times.

Tyrannical times? What the fuck? Didn't know Mexico had a tyranny. Reading your post it looks like people should be fleeing the USA to Mexico because it's so tyrannical and horrible in America.

I’m sorry to my wife and son for letting a corrupt administration dictate whether we should live in a safe society by politicizing a pandemic

That I agree with. Trump has definitely tried to politicize the pandemic in his favor.

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