Well of COURSE an Accountant understands metallurgy better then an Engineer !

I completely understand your objection to painting with a broad brush, but how granular can we get.

I believe that the worship of ignorance is a specifically American phenomenon, easily observable in the media. Note the popularity of Geek culture is a recent phenomenon notable only because for the entire history of American media before it, the intellectual appeared as a despicable egg-head that the protagonist would push around, or a comic figure rebelling against the same ("revenge of the nerds" etc.)

You don't see the comparable trope of beating on intellectuals in European media, compare to Russian media where intellectuals are often protagonists, sometimes oppressed rebels, sometimes conformists but still.

Not all American movies are like this, but there is a visible bias against the sciences in movie like Jurassic Park, where it takes an egghead to explain why the egg heads are wrong about everything, and simulaneously a visible bias against the humanities among scientists. It is a virulent anti-intellectualism that permeates all levels of American society, in a form that is very specific and doesn't have immediately comparable equivalents outside of the U.S.

This is even apparent in such genre's as the Mystery/Detective show, where European shows focus on tormented, troubled intellectuals, and American shows, from true detective, to monk, to law and order, instead focus on literally deranged, comic neurotic, or down-to-earth anti-intellectual protagonists.

This is an issue that permeates American culture, I noticed it when I emigrated at the age of eight, and I notice it still.

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