Well that didnt take long - YouTube "Expert" has determined that the Harrison Ford crash landing is fake.

I found this one:

"Just some thoughts: I would never go and say why. But if you believe these things (that planes have been crashing like mad lately) then your view of flying being a safe activity is about to crash and burn. Travel insurance might in time be more easily sold. Flight insurance etc., who can really say. It is a question but it is not an honest question. Besides, for people to "get the message" about something they first need to have that message brought to their attention and then have that message repeatedly drummed into them until they "get it". So you may find a spate of similarly themed hoaxes. Planes sure do seem to be falling out of the sky a lot lately! Lesta insists that it is still safe to fly - do not let fear guide your actions.

Who can say, anyway? Who can honestly have the correct answer?! No one! No one in the audience can know why or for what purpose an event happens. It is a bit like assigning meaning to a dream you had. The fact you can do so is wonderful - but it does not mean you assigned the correct meaning. How would you verify the meaning you assigned to a dream was the correct one? How would you verify that the meaning you assigned to a hoax was indeed the correct one?!

A lot of "mums and dads" would have investments tied up with "blue-chip" industries/companies etc. Not of their own doing - but done for them by so-called "experts". Experts who are probably involved in these things in some way (but again, who can say!). Some of those "safe investments" made for the mums and dads are probably connected to airlines and the airline industry. This will reduce the amount that will be paid out to them when it's time for them to collect on their pensions ("we're really sorry about that - but who could have seen this coming?!").

There's also a continual focus on fear and death and misery. When is it that you turn on the news and it's just one day of good news? Of the entire planet and people there could not ever be a single "good news day"?! There's a lot of things going on. Isn't it unusual that there is a fixation of all things negative? That the only messages of hope we are given - are tied to tragedy. Isn't it wonderful that a baby survived! But (allegedly) it survived a plane crash!! Overall (if we believe the story) it was a story about a baby who was in a plane crash. That's not lucky or wonderful at all! It was involved in a plane crash! That's terribly unfortunate! There's nothing miraculous about it at all. But people's "definition" of "good, good luck, success" is being redefined and corrupted. You are told "it's a miracle a baby survived!" but you're not thinking (the truth that) "what an awful thing for it to have been in a plane crash".

The "feel good" stories always come with a sting. There's always a slap before the euphoria. People are being conditioned (easily) into being sadists and masochists.

People are being conditioned into unquestioning belief. And to have it so that a person does not ever ask a follow up question. "Why didn't the taxi spin like a bottle or at least get knocked over when the plane hit it laterally? Because it was a heavy duty taxi you dummy. Oh, I see! Thanks!" Never mind the taxi was practically empty, that it was sitting up on four rubber wheels (and so could easily have its point of balance shifted) etc. You see, you're not supposed to ask any more questions. The expert has told you, it was a heavy duty taxi you silly dummy, don't ask more questions.

None of us can answer why things are happening without speculating (and so no answer should be taken as gospel because no one in the audience knows). Looking at individual hoaxes is a bit like looking at a single brick and calling the brick "a house" or "a wall". No, it's a brick. But certainly a brick can be used for many purposes. Certainly a hoax can have multiple effects. But just as we can't know the "purpose" of a single brick that's laying on the ground we similarly can't know the "true purpose" of a single hoax.

The people who are encouraging a belief in their audience that these hoaxes are instead real events will always try to have their audience focus on the wrong things. They will ask of their audience, "Well, why is it happening? There's no point - what is there to gain? Nothing! Sometimes planes just crash. Sometimes real things happen! Not everything is a hoax, you know!" Well, these people are charlatans. They are liars. They seek to appeal to the insane and the stupid. And their sphere of influence is coming to an end because I say that people aren't stupid - it's just they are trusting of others. They have trusted con-artists; no one getting conned believes for a second they are being conned and they always resent the person who tries to warn them. It is because most people don't really know where to look themselves or what to really ask. But once they do, and once they do, then the game will change and a genuine revolt will occur."

/r/conspiratard Thread Link - youtu.be