A Well-Done Coming Out Scene from [Anima Yell!]

if you compare gay and bi females to gay and bi males , there are STILL more gay and bi females than gay and bi males . Compared this way, there's A LOT more gay shit going on with the female side but who can blame em, males are unappealing as fuck to look at. If the number of gays and bisexuals were equal in both sexes, I wouldn't even bother saying one sex has more sexual fluidity than the other or one is more gay than the other. Since the numbers aren't equal, my original point stands, girls are into that gay shit more.

Roughly 0.5%- 0.6% of the US population are trannies. This is important and worth considering, it could skew the numbers in my favor even more.

/r/anime Thread Parent Link - streamable.com