Well guys, it's finally happened. Better get my arse into gear and get revancing.

Honestly im living with it for the time being, have Revanced installed, it it's just not even close to there for me.

For one thing, the brightness is all over the place, which is critical as I predominantly use YT in the dark. To add onto this problem, using swipe for brightness works brilliantly on Vanced, but on Revanced some tool thought it was a good idea to make a full swipe down 'auto' brightness. If I swipe all the way down, it's because I want the brightness all the way down, not anything else.

On top of that there's still no way to set an auto resolution, no way to force codecs, no way to adjust buffering settings. Dealing with all this just to avoid some home screen adverts is not even close competition, when Vanced starts letting video ads through I'll switch though

/r/revancedapp Thread Link - i.imgur.com