Well, SpongeBob fanart has peaked.

Plankton: I'm outta bullets, gimme another gun!

Mermaid Man: It's not you, Plankton.

Plankton: No way, he's still alive!

Mermaid Man: The one Painty the Pirate is waiting for... It's not you, Plankton. Not a damn chance. Just like there are those who inherited Painty's will, soon enough, someone will carry on in Barnacle Boy's name as well. You may try to destroy their spirit, but you will never extinguish their flame.

Mermaid Man: So it has been, and so shall it be until the very end of time. And one day in the future, when we're all dead and gone, someone will arise, carrying generations of history on their shoulders. And they'll throw down the gauntlet in front of the entire world!

Mermaid Man: KRABS! You and the rest of the Krust Krab know what's coming! A war that will embroil the seas far and wide! That's why you're so afraid, though nothing you do can stop it.

Mermaid Man: I've no interest in it myself. But some day that treasure will turn this world upside down. Someone will find it, whether you like it or not. That day will come soon. THE SECRET INGREDIENT IS REAL!

Fleed Admiral Krabs: You bastard!

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