Well that's an odd addition - Nyanners gets with the Yakuzies

Ok and you act like dropping a toxic fanbase is a bad thing.

God forbid someone doesn't want to be associated with the "lolicon" community... I guess she should have just sucked it up and kept making content she wasn't comfortable making anymore so that THEIR feelings didn't get hurt.

Do you honestly think its fair that every single time she ever gets brought up anywhere some dumbass waltzes into the thread to warn people about her abandoning her fanbase and how awful she is when really all she did was make some cringe satire videos years ago that a bunch of pedos took too seriously so she told them to fuck off and now they dox and harras her and her family years later.

But you probably do since one of the first things on your profile if you sort by controversial is you defending that kind of content because its not real so I imagine her taking the stance she did probably hit a little too close to home huh?

I mean fuck even this sub had that situation where people harassed littleV after his mom died because of some stupid argument with chat during halo or something dumb so now he won't collab with Woolie anymore. But I guess he should have stuck it out too right?

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