Wellness Wednesday

Can we please stop joking that everyone who is struggling with weight, and not making progress, is overweight for “obvious reasons” (eating total garbage, food that no one would call healthy, as opposed to food people think is healthy but isn’t), and not even trying to exercise? That is not only judgmental, but also discouraging; some would call it rude, and it kind of is, but I would call it fat logic too, a cop out personally for many and not just a judgment for others, because people say “well, I don’t do that” and let things get waaaay out of hand just from a more subtle, but not completely subtle, calorie surplus!

It is amazing how easy it is to have problems for a person who, for example, eats things that one could think are healthy (but aren’t), exercises regularly but not enough of it, and doesn’t eat obvious junk as most of their diet, but full-on junk is 1/4 of what they eat when it should be 1/10 or less (or none, for some of us who have issues with eating too much of certain foods, or certain health conditions)!

/r/fatlogic Thread