Wellness Weekend

Darn it up to 130 (I’m short)!

I am…okay, I admit it…out of shape. Not “chubby,” not “not in the best shape,” not “curvy” like I was at BMI 23, but “out of shape” at BMI 24.

Yes, I think BMI is inaccurate in the opposite direction than it should be, for me; I can’t blame that on just height, but also height and rapidly losing my long-fitness in terms of body composition (I think, not sure), despite still being active.

Going to buckle down and just lose weight. No crunchy-granola-health-besides-weight goals that help in the long run but slow me down when I need to lose soon, putting a lot of sedentary activities on hold except for small amounts of them even though they are educational, count calories accurately and not loosely, and not just sometimes, just lose weight!

/r/fatlogic Thread